Wednesday, September 23, 2020

THCB Gang Episode 26 LIVE 9/24 from 1PM PT/4PM ET!

Episode 26 of “The THCB Gang” will be live-streamed on Thursday, September 24th! Tune in below!

Joining Matthew Holt (@boltyboy) are some of our regulars: health futurist Ian Morrison (@seccurve), MD turned leadership coach Maggi Cary (@MargaretCaryMD), health care consultant Daniel O’Neill (@dp_oneill), and patient safety expert Michael Millenson (@MLMillenson). The conversation will focus on the ACA hanging by a thread as well as other policy changes surrounding health care.

If you’d rather listen to the episode, the audio is preserved as a weekly podcast available on our iTunes & Spotify channels — Zoya Khan

from The Health Care Blog

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