Thursday, September 10, 2020

THCB Gang Episode 24 LIVE, 9/10 from 1PM PT/4PM ET!

Episode 24 of “The THCB Gang” will be live-streamed on Thursday, September 10th! Watch it below!

Joining Matthew Holt (@boltyboy) today are some of our regulars: WTF Health Host Jessica DaMassa (@jessdamassa), patient entrepreneur Robin Farmanfarmaian (@Robinff3), writer Kim Bellard (@kimbbellard), policy & tech expert Vince Kuraitis (@VinceKuraitis), and guest Mike Magee, a medical historian & health economist (@drmikemagee). The conversation will revolve around the potential vaccine for COVID19 coming out, how the models of care are changing, and how environmental impact also impacts health care. Join us below!

If you’d rather listen to the episode, the audio is preserved as a weekly podcast available on our iTunes & Spotify channels — Zoya Khan

from The Health Care Blog

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